Friday 14 March 2014

Ancestor #10 – Alexandra Edenborough

Staying with the famous theme, the British jazz singer Alexandra Edenborough, was born in 1978 in Somerset, England and in 2008, married the British actor, Gary Oldman.

While there is an endless supply of articles and photographs of Alexandra (especially with her husband, Gary Oldman) on the internet, tracking down her parentage for my one name study is proving a little hard.

My best guess: that Alexandra is the daughter of Australian-born, Alan Edenborough and his wife, Elizabeth. If correct, Alan is one of the 2xgreat-grandchildren of Ancestor #1 – Arthur Edenborough.


Anonymous said...

Maybe miss spell of Edinburgh Scotland ( Capital of one of the Nation's of United kingdom of Great Britain) / Please note nothing to do with England ,..

mdgb said...

I was at school with her, and yes Elisabeth and Alan were her parents names.